Why John Githongo prefers to be a slave for his white masters
Why John Githongo prefers to be a slave for his White Masters.
John Githongo has been called a British spy, and accused of working for his British Masters. There is no denying that Githongo is fed and clothed by the British and he works for them. The question is why and when did Githongo’s relationship with the British start. Also in what capacity was Githongo working for the British before fleeing to Britain.Every time Githongo brings up some charges against the Kenya government they are taken up and amplified by the British establishment tools like the Financial times and Edward Clay. In Kenya the Standard which is partly owned by British Interests acts like Githongo’s local megaphone. Githongo’s tirades appear to be timed to be in concert with British pressure on the Kenya government to toe the British line. There is no doubt that Githongo is an integral part of a British offensive against the Kenya government the only question is why?
The emergence of China and Kenya’s dalliance with the Asian Giant is causing some anxiety in Britain they see china as encroaching on their sphere of influence. Kibaki has further cut the enslavement chains that bind Kenya to Britain by reducing reliance on donors to fund the Kenyan budget. Kenya is now relying on local taxes to fund 95% of the budget. The British establishment is seeing the demise of its neocolonial empire in Africa which had Kenya as the crown jewel . British firms can no longer make the Kenyan government, President or Ministers do their bidding. That is what Edward clay actually meant by saying “vomiting on our shoes”. Clay was expressing his disgust at the uppity Kibaki governments failure to obey his missives as the representative of Kenya’s British masters.That is the genesis of the British war on the Kibaki government. A war that was floundering as British companies continued to lose business and influence in Kenya to Asians and other rivals. Britain since indpendence has been Kenya's leading trading partner but now ranks number 3. In desperation the British decided that they needed a regime change in Kenya and decided to use their chief intelligence asset in Kenya John Githongo. Githongo was the British mole at the heart of the Kenyan government he was deployed in an attempt to bring down the Kenyan government using accusations of corruption.Githongo had to flee because his role as a British spy was quickly uncovered and he faced imminent arrest and prosecution for passing sensitive government information to Edward clay and MI6. That is why Githongo cannot return and is in self exile but the principal investigators of Anglo Leasing never left Kenya they felt and had no need to flee.
So why did Githongo join with the British to fight the Kenyan government? Githongo is a British citizen by birth, Githongo’s family aided the British during the war for independence and were handsomely rewarded for their loyalty. Githongo therefore grew up imbued in his parents white man worship and disdain for Africans.In October of 2005 Githongo wrote an opinion piece in the East African explaining why “Why Maids Prefer White Masters” this article best illustrates why Githongo would rather be maid for his white masters.Indeed Githongo writes this words for a cook, words which clearly represents Githongo’s thinking. "I have been a cook for many years and I have seen that the only way to be treated properly is to work for a Mzungu," the man explained. "Africans treat their workers very badly. I'll even take a salary cut to work foryou."Githongo may have been making more money working for the government, the Financial times reports the British pay him peanuts but he would rather take peanuts from a white man than serve an African government.Many who know Githongo an unmarried 41 year old who has never had a girlfriend claim that he is a homosexual angry and frustrated at Kenya's homophobia. Indeed western intelligence agencies are known to recruit homosexuals and other social outcast who may hold a grudge against their own societies. What clearly emerges is that Githongo is a Quisling in the service of his British masters and that must be taken into account when weighing his charges against the Kenyan government.
Otero Mashada
January 24, 2007 3:32 AM
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