Monday, January 29, 2007

Calls for Majimbo:The dangerous road

One of the key campaigns of odm of late has been that come January 2008 if odm comes to power they will implement a federal system of government .For sometime now calls for a federal system of government in Kenya have been used as a campaign tool against kikuyus .mainly because the nature of the type of" federalism" is sometimes mistaken for having all kikuyus move back to central province .The thrust of this push being to build anti kikuyu feelings amongst other tribes with whom kikuyus live with .Now I have never had a problem with federalism as long as the federalism being implement is like that in United States or in Germany and I encourage Kenyans to embrace that kind of federalism that gives local communities power over the natural and human recourses .What I do have a problem with is odm's false promises and motives for a majimbo campaign.

In order for Kenya to go federal a change in the Kenyan constitution must be enacted .This can only be done by getting 2/3 of parliament to ratify any changes .Even after a referendum parliament is still the sole body that can change the Kenyan constitution short of the President suspending the constitution and instilling marshal law .So how exactly does odm expect to introduce majimbo in 2008.Its clear that no matter how popular odm might turn out to be, it will definitely not have total control in parliament required to change the Kenyan constitution .So why would odm leaders be campaigning on majimbo! That is the is clear that calls for majimbo are a political ploy to build up tribal hatred and to try scaring some kikuyus into backing down from supporting the kibaki government .This is a dangerous ploy by the opposition. Instead of having the intended out come calls for majimbo only give kikuyu nationalist and kikuyu militants more influence and favor withing the community .

It is such tactics that have forced some hardline elements within the kibaki government to have the presidents ear .In The past three years the actions of the opposition have emboldened hardline voices within the administration some of whom are itching for a fight with certain communities . In fact in the past few months kibaki has walked the hard road proving to be a statesman’s by keeping in check hard-line elements within his administration and ensuring that growing kikuyu nationalism does not receive state sanction that would throw the country down a dangerous path. Indeed it was the diplomatic and nationalistic behavior of the opposition in the pre referendum days that helped tone down kikuyu self interests and acceptance of defeat . but on the wake of the referendum loss, utterances from Raila odinga promising to deal with the 'adui' gave a resurgence of hardliners a boost in the government.Who went on to influence the president in reorganize his cabinet and kick out the orange brigade.

Today foreign sanctioned and instigated opposition attacks on government and baseless claims calling for introduction of majimbo are not only dangerous but help encourage kikuyu nationalism which is bad for Kenya.Such calls isolate the community and as a result increases the power of combative elements within the community often forcing even moderates to take combative stance as a means of self preservation. The sad truth is that central kenya's communities play a significant if not a major part to Kenya’s stability. Some may wish to simplify the equation to many tribes agaisnt two or three subtribes of mumbi but the truth is Kenya can not be governed with a militarized kikuyu solidly against the government .So it is only right that the opposion stop this dangerous ploy that threatens to destabilize our country .working on a peaceful and equitable way of resolving any differences that they have with kikuyus would be the way to go. Spoiling for a fight they can not win even with a victory and taking statehouse is not the way Kenya should go.A luo presidency and a militarized Gema agaisnt it would make the congo look like childs play

By mogi yusuf


Anonymous said...

it is sad that tribalism in kenya is so hard to defeat with leaders pulling it out of the hat at every opportunity

Anonymous said...

You have spoken like three wiremen. The trouble with majimboism is that ODM wants to use it as a wedge issue to promote xenophobia. ODM's holy grail is to isolate Kikuyus using ethnic hatred. Right thinking Kenyans cannot accept that it maybe Kikuyus today and Luhyas tomorrow. We must learn from Europe's experience when the Nazi's were promoting their Jewish hatred many good people including ethnic minorities kept quiet because it wasn't happening to them. However once the Nazi's were in power they persecuted all minorities as well as Jews. Kenyans should stand at one and reject this attempt to divide us.